About Course


Breathe is the next step in your journey towards feeling calm and peaceful.

The goal is to work with all four cornerstones in your life: Connect, Know, Create and Move.

Every week, you'll learn, experience and take steps to create a happier life. In Align, we focussed on Connect and you'll continue to learn more about this in Breathe. But, we'll also go into a lot more detail on the other three cornerstones.

When I first learned about my family member's addiction, I totally went into ... SHOCK! I had no idea what to do next. I just froze. I don't remember much but I do know I even stopped breathing like a normal person. This is why I named this course Breathe.

This is everything I wish I'd known when this crisis began. This is what got me breathing again.

Over the 8 lessons, you'll learn many tools you can use that will help you reconnect with your body, calm those squirrels running around in your head and be more comfortable making decisions that feel right for you. And that, my friend, is where the magic really starts.

Breathe works to move you past your blocks and ignite your intuition. It teaches you to calm your mind, trust your instincts and be make your next best step to first help yourself and then you can help others. It gives you the knowledge and perspective to move forward.

You received a code on the Thank You page when you bought Inspire. Apply this code to the checkout for Breathe and get the full amount you paid toward this course. 100%! That's how important Breathe is! If you can't find the code, just shoot us a message in the Contact Us section on the webpage and we'll get that to you.

Looking forward to seeing you in Breathe! Sign up now using the link to the right.

This course includes:
  • Full lifetime access

  • Downloadable resources

  • Access on mobile and TV
